Qui Tam
Healthcare Whistleblower Claims (False Claims Act, Retaliation, and Qui Tam)
We’re lucky in Mississippi that most of our healthcare providers and clinics try their best to play by the rules, treat their employees fairly, and do right by their patients. But sadly, there are a few who will do anything to get an edge, from bending or ignoring rules on billing to firing employees who complain about these unethical and illegal practices.
If your healthcare employer treated you unfairly for objecting to unethical or illegal billing practices, you may have claims under federal and Mississippi law. The federal False Claims Act makes it illegal to retaliate against an employee for complaining about certain billing practices. Mississippi law also provides certain protections for whistleblower protections under what’s called the McCarn doctrine.
If this situation sounds all-too-familiar, contact us to see what your rights may be.